On Air Programs
Weekdays-Times are in Arizona Time
12:00am News
12:02am Weather
12:30am Sure Foundation - David Rosales
12:03am Straight From the Heart - Joe Focht
1:00am Answers in Genesis - Ken Ham
1:01am Horizon Radio - Mike MacIntosh
1:30am The Word Made Plain-Tony Clark
2:00am 66/40 - Chuck Missler
2:30am Come Drink the Water - Ben Garate
3:00am According to Scripture - Damian Kyle
3:30am Revive Our Hearts-Nancy Wolgemuth
4:00am On the Level -Pancho Juarez
4:30am Hope from the Word-Bill Luebkemann
5:00am WashingtonWatch-Tony Perkins
5:01am Study the Word -Thom Keller
5:30am Step by Step-Jim Gallagher
6:00am Wisdom for Women - Debbi Bryson
6:02am Somebody Loves You - Raul Ries
6:30am Jesus is Real-Daniel Fusco
7:00am Real Radio - Jack Hibbs
7:30am The Word for Today - Chuck Smith
8:00am News
8:02am Weather
8:03am Searchlight - Jon Courson
8:30am A New Beginning - Greg Laurie
9:00am Hope for Today - David Hocking
9:30am The Word Made Plain-Tony Clark
10:00am Living in Christ - Bob Hoekstra
10:30am Enduring Word - David Guzik
11:00am Sure Foundation - David Rosales
11:30am Bridging the Gap-Lloyd Pulley
12:00pm News
12:02pm Weather
12:03pm Revive Our Hearts-Nancy Wolgemuth
12:30pm Grace Infusion - Mike Nimer
1:00pm Daily Light - Anne Graham Lotz
1:01pm 66/40 - Chuck Missler
1:30pm Abounding Grace-Ed Taylor
2:00pm According to Scripture - Damian Kyle
2:30pm The Word for Today - Chuck Smith
3:00pm Calvary Live-Summertime
3:00pm Grace upon Grace - Mark Martin/Winter
3:30pm WashingtonWatch-Tony Perkins/Winter
3:31pm Light on the Hill - James Kaddis/Winter
4:00pm Calvary Live!-Wintertime
4:00pm Grace upon Grace-Mark Martin/Summer
4:30pm WashingtonWatch-Tony Perkins/Summer
4:31pm Light on the Hill-James Kaddis/Summer
5:02pm A New Beginning - Greg Laurie
5:30pm Searchlight - Jon Courson
6:00pm News
6:02pm Weather
6:03pm Horizon Radio - Mike MacIntosh
6:30pm Boldly Speaking - Ron Dozler
7:00pm Movieguide
7:00pm Answers in Genesis - Ken Ham
7:01pm On the Level - Pancho Juarez
7:30pm Straight From the Heart - Joe Focht
8:00pm In Your Faith - Joe Domico
8:30pm My Dwelling Place- Al Pittman
9:00pm Back to Basics - Brian Brodersen
9:30pm Balanced Word - Dave Rolph
10:00pm News
10:02pm Weather
10:03pm Real Radio - Jack Hibbs
10:30pm GodSword - Ken Graves
10:30pm Christian Rock Music - Friday's
11:00pm Light on the Hill - James Kaddis
11:30pm Hope from the Word-Bill Luebkemann
11:30pm Christian Rock Music-Friday's
12:00am News
6:00am Grace Infusion - Mike Nimer
12:03am Christian Rock Music
1:00am Science, Scripture & Salvation-ICR
1:30am Unshackled
3:00am According to Scripture - Damian Kyle
3:30am Jesus Style - Gayle Erwin
4:00am Washington Watch - Tony Perkins
5:00am Somebody Loves You - Raul Ries
6:00am Wisdom for Women - Debbi Bryson
6:02am Grace Infusion - Mike Nimer
6:30am We Would See Jesus-Karen Pulley
7:00am Understanding the Times-Jan Markell
8:00am News
8:02am Weather
8:03am Lamplighter Theatre
8:30am Rinse & Repeat- Carol Eskaros
9:00am Science, Scripture & Salvation-ICR
10:00am Thru the Bible - J Vernon McGee
11:00am According to Scripture - Damian Kyle
11:30am Light on the Hill-James Kaddis
12:00pm News
12:02pm Weather
12:03pm The Word for Today - Chuck Smith
12:30pm Abounding Grace-Ed Taylor
1:00pm Regenerate Radio - Brenen Beeler
1:30pm Countdown 2 Eternity
2:00pm Truth for Life - Alistair Begg
2:30pm Voice of the Martyrs
3:00pm Real Radio - Jack Hibbs
3:30pm A New Beginning - Greg Laurie
4:00pm Walk in Truth - Michael Lantz
5:00pm Dwelling Place - Al Pittman
5:30pm The Word Made Plain-Tony Clark
6:00pm News
6:02pm Weather
6:03pm Berean Call
6:30pm Study the Word -Thom Keller
7:00pm Pacific Justice Institute
7:30pm Washington Watch - Tony Perkins
8:00pm Lamplighter Theatre
8:30pm Balanced Word-Dave Rolph
9:00pm The Word for Today - Chuck Smith
9:30pm Jesus Style - Gayle Erwin
10:00pm News
10:02pm Weather
10:30pm GodSword - Ken Graves
11:00pm Bridging the Gap-Lloyd Pulley
11:30pm Mission Compass- Galcom International
12:00am News
12:02am Weather
12:03am Real Radio - Jack Hibbs
12:30am Countdown 2 Eternity
1:00am Truth for Life - Alistair Begg
3:00am Thru the Bible - J Vernon McGee
4:30am Pacific Justice Institute-Brad Dacus
5:00am Washington Watch - Tony Perkins
5:30am Berean Call
6:00am Hour of Hymns for Him
7:00am Wisdom for Women - Debbi Bryson
7:30am Somebody Loves You - Raul Ries
8:00am News
8:02am Weather
8:03am The Word for Today - Chuck Smith
9:00am Study the Word -Thom Keller
9:30am A New Beginning - Greg Laurie
10:00am Jesus Style - Gayle Erwin
10:30am Balanced Word-Dave Rolph
11:00am Calvary Chapel of Kingman-pre-recorded
12:00pm News
12:02pm Weather
12:03pm Dwelling Place - Al Pittman
12:30pm Mission Compass- Galcom International
1:00pm Bridging the Gap-Lloyd Pulley
1:30pm We Would See Jesus-Karen Pulley
2:00pm Understanding the Times-Jan Markell
3:00pm Unshackled-Pacific Garden Mission
3:30pm According to Scripture - Damian Kyle
4:00pm Walk in Truth - Michael Lantz
4:30pm GodSword - Ken Graves
5:02pm Light on the Hill-James Kaddis
5:30pm The Word Made Plain-Tony Clark
6:00pm News
6:02pm Weather
6:03pm Boldly Speaking - Ron Dozler
6:30pm Abounding Grace-Ed Taylor
7:00pm Bringing You Back-2 hours of Jesus Music
9:00pm Rinse & Repeat- Carol Eskaros
10:00pm News
10:02pm Weather
10:03pm Countdown 2 Eternity
11:00pm Lamplighter Theatre